A bee has picked me
How lucky I must be
Though I wonder why..
I did not choose my place on Earth
I did not follow a different path
In the crowd, I stand as tall
I am as common as all
My flowers has paled
My scent has faded
I do not understand why
but somehow I am special, I must be..
for a bee has picked me!
I remember when I was a kid in my small world, I believed I was special. Then I grew and the picture widened. I formed dreams and challenged forms. I fell, I rose, I had achievements and disappointments many more.. and I did not feel I am special anymore. I could easily dissolve in a crowd or fall in a target marketing group. I was identified and judged by my name, gender, looks, tastes...! I felt bland and common. I was a number without substance. Because in the grand scheme, I don't make a difference.
Then, a bee found me. It came into my sight. I was forced to narrow the picture to see it. It was the birth of my first child. I focused on her. I focused on who and what matters. And so, this is how i claimed back my feeling of being special. To her, I am special. To my family, I matter. To my surroundings, I matter. I am special. I am lucky. The bee has picked me!