The secret floated swiftly through the all grey fog. He appeared at the opening of the passage at last. All dressed in purple flesh and a tiny hat that could not cover his large head. He had roamed the whole area, picked every rock, laid his questions, read a few answers and felt satisfied. It was time to move on. His hand reached out to the light in the opening. It would lead his way through. This was not his first passage. He lost count. But this one felt like "The One". This one felt like finding the way to the truth. Through all the passages he had tried, he came out dressed differently. Only his head grew larger with every passage. It was an effort holding the head up. He needed the truth to drain it. As he drew near, he felt the wind sucking him in. His hair stood on its end. His body shivered. He could smell the fear. He wanted the truth to drain his head. Little did he know that the truth marks his end.